On Air With Ella

315: "What can women learn from men?" Dial up your Inner Chad and get what you want! ft. Dr Kinga Mnich



"I believe we could adopt a bit more self-belief, a bit more air of expectation that the world is for us, and a little bit of that audacity." What can we learn from men in order to further empower women? Can channeling your "Inner Chad" help you go further, faster and without some of the anxiety, guilt or distraction that we occasionally succumb to? Open your mind and your ears and join Ella and Dr. Kinga Mnich in this lively conversation! “When we push our anger away, we are quite often suppressing the ability to showcase what our values and what our boundaries are.” In this episode:  Join us in Lexington, KY - 12 OCTOBER 2023 STARTING at 00:04:30: Why is this conversation useful? Men vs. women's anger Developing the capacity to say no Releasing perfectionism and self-judgment Inherent self-acceptance vs self doubt and that loud inner critic 4 steps to demonstrating true confidence Learning from each other, supporting and amplifying women What can we learn from the audacity of men? GET