Shark Theory With Baylor Barbee

Valentine's Day: A Manufactured Holiday or Meaningful Gesture?



Valentine's Day often brings with it pressured expectations and consumerist demands, but have you ever paused to contemplate the underlying reasons for these traditions? Baylor Barbee, our insightful host, challenges us to step back from societal norms and question the motives driving the trends we follow. In this thought-provoking episode of Shark Theory, Barbee dissects the essence of Valentine's Day, urging listeners to think critically about why we subscribe to certain practices, especially when they may not align with our personal values or financial realities. Barbee presents a critical view of Valentine's Day, labeling it as a "manufactured Hallmark holiday" while acknowledging his support for love and relationships outside the confines of a single day's expectations. His research into the inflated costs of holiday staples like roses and chocolates reveals an interesting dynamic between seasonal demand and production strategies, which he parallels to understanding one's personal value in different seas