Dolman Law Group Podcast

Jury Misconduct Could Derail the Ghislaine Maxwell Verdict



The defense team for Ghislaine Maxwell announced its plans to appeal her recent sex-trafficking conviction after two jurors from the trial told reporters that they were sexually abused and discussed this with other jury members in deliberations. Maxwell's attorneys are looking into whether the jurors incorrectly filled out a questionnaire in which they were supposed to disclose this type of information — details that could have led to biased decision-making. If they did, that would be gross jury misconduct that could be grounds for a mistrial.Jury misconduct in any shape or form is critical to whether justice is served. However, it is an often misunderstood part of the process because justice systems don't want to scare off potential jurors from serving in future trials.Stan Gipe and partner Matt Dolman are seasoned trial lawyers and acutely aware of how delicate the process of selecting a jury is and why jury misconduct is such a serious offense.In this episode of the David vs. Goliath podcast, Stan and