Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-5



news birthdays/events certain cities are bracing for spring breakers word of the day news are you too nice? game: quiz game: feud news they say nature walks are the best our health...but are they scary? do you think we're really gonna get an early spring?  what other predictions are often wrong? game: 6 year old trivia news unexpectedly unhealthy foods (that we've all been eatin since we were kids) what's your big goal for february? goodbye/fun facts....Tinnitus Awareness to educate the public about the symptoms of tinnitus and how it affects people. Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ear and 15 to 20 percent of people experience it. It’s not actually a condition, but a symptom of an underlying condition....meaning it can be age-related, related to hearing loss, ear injury, or a circulatory system disorder. Tinnitus isn’t a new condition by any means. The Ancient Egyptians referred to it as the bewitched ear.  worldwide it affects nearly 45 million people.  there are apps like th