Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-6



news birthdays/events lonliest cities...but it's not what you think word of the day news would you do 'optional chores' to save or make money? game: the grammy game do you celebrate valentine's day? news is it a good or bad idea for advertisers to release superbowl commercials this week? game: the grammy game part 2 if your team doesn't make it to the finals...are you even interested in watching? news unusual superbowl snacks game: mindtrap goodbye/fun facts....Nothing cheers a person up quite like hearing someone say something nice about you. It’s time to return the favor on Pay a Compliment Day.  the day encourages much-needed positivity and joy in the world and to show genuine appreciation of the people around you. people can tell the difference between a real and a forced only say it if you mean it