Mosaic Boston

A Foretaste of Glory



Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are a glorious God. And everything you created, you created to reflect your glory. And sometimes, Lord, when we look at the beauty of creation, a stunning sunrise or sunset, when we look into the ocean or when we look at the mountains, we're mesmerized by how beautiful it is. And all of that is just a mere reflection of your glory. You created us, male and female, in your image to image forth your glory. And Lord, we chose not to. In our rebellion recalcitrants, we chose to live for our own glory, our own name. And we do live in a city where many devote themselves to the pursuit of their own personal glory, be it through education or through athletics or through career in many other ways. And Lord, once we attain that personal glory, we know it's doesn't satisfy. There's only one glory that does. And then that's the glory of the Son of God.We thank you Jesus that you revealed your glory, but you also veiled it in your incarnation. You took on flesh. The eternal son of Go