August Brice Thriving With Technology @ Tech Wellness

Kids Addicted to Screen Time? A Guide to Screen-Free Summers with a Mom of 5



Welcome to Thriving with Technology, the science-led podcast that helps you achieve mindful living in a digital world. August Brice is the founder of Tech Wellness and your host on this weekly adventure. We give you practical tools to limit your tech toxin exposure and prioritize your health without sacrificing technology.    In each episode, we interview passionate leaders in the health and technology space who give you the tools to navigate and thrive within our technology-driven world. Our goal is to demystify the dangers of tech and bring you practical advice to protect yourself from EMFs, blue light, internet overuse, and how to recognize the signs of tech addiction.    As the summer months approach, parents face the challenge of keeping their children entertained and engaged without relying on screens. For many families, screens have become a default option for keeping kids occupied, but the negative effects of excessive screen time on children's physical, mental, and emotional health are well documente