Unraveling With Greg And Joey

Episode 3 - So,Here's A Funny Story...



Episode 3: So, Here's a Funny Story... In Episode 3, Greg and Joey let the listeners be the judge of whether or not their stories are funny. Notes Cape Lookout National Seashore — where Greg was for his fishing trip Wendell, NC — includes history of how the town was named Oliver Wendell Douglass Twinset Designs Podcast Down Cellar Studio Podcast Knitter’s Pride Karbonz Four-Stitch Ribbing Patterns by Charlene Schurch from the Sensational Knitted Socks (affiliate link) book — Joey’s sock that will never end Greg’s Scrappy Sock Yarn Preemie Hat pattern View From The Charles shawl by Jennifer Lassonde — added as a prize for the #ScrappyPreemieHatKAL Knitting Daddy Designs Ravelry Group #ScrappyPreemieHatKAL Chatter and FO threads Knitted Crown For Little Girls On Double Pointed Needles — Joey’s crown Skinny Triangle Scarf — scarf for Greg’s mom Basic Socks a la Jeanne by Jeanne Shrader — socks Greg is knitting for his mom Gramma’s Dishcloth (Grandmother’s 2nd Favorite) by PJ Allen — Greg’s favorite basic dishcl