Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-1



news birthdays/events would you like videos to have product links? word of the day news do you push 'do not push' buttons out of curiosity? is it a good idea to charge 3rd graders rent? game: can ashley guess the sports event by the color audio? news should there be a limit on 'free samples'? buzzfeed's 'poor man's meals'...what's yours? game: geneva reads first lines from famous books news cheapest cities to get married (u.s.) game: think n sync goodbye/fun facts....baked alaska...In the United States in 1867, an earnest debate erupted over the potential purchase of Alaska from Russia. Secretary of State William Seward agreed to a purchase price of $7 million, and Alaska became a United States territory in 1868. Enter Charles Ranhofer, the chef at Delmonico's Restaurant in New York City....who also created lobster newburg. He was notorious for naming new and renaming old dishes after famous people and events. Baked Alaska is made with hard ice cream on a base of sponge cake and covered in a shell of toasted