Compliance Perspectives

Sergio Leal and Jan Sprafke on M&A Compliance Due Diligence [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub Mergers and acquisitions create stress, opportunity and risk both for the organization and the compliance team. In this podcast, Sergio Leal, who until recently was head of M&A compliance at Ericsson along with Jan Sprafke, the company’s chief compliance officer, share their advice for compliance professionals in the midst of a transaction. They stress that the compliance team needs to be involved during the entire lifecycle, from target identification to due diligence to post-acquisition integration. This will help the organization avoid unanticipated liabilities and risks. To ensure success the compliance team needs to be embedded in the M&A team. Meet with the stakeholders regularly to ensure you are aligned with their processes. When you do, remember that compliance is just one piece of a very complex puzzle. Be prepared to move quickly. The DOJ amnesty program for issues discovered in an acquisition has a rapidly ticking clock. At the start of an acquisition or merger, they recomm