Transformations With Tara

Scott Grossberg - Thinking Magically



Hosting: Jason D McKean "TRANSFORMATIONS with Tara Sutphen" will be my guest Scott Grossberg, an attorney, author, certified life coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Tarot Master and Magician. Scott Grossberg is hired to make individuals and businesses more positive, more powerful, and more productive. He works with others to take their lives and their dreams of success in incredible new directions. There is a reason why some of the largest and most respected businesses in the world have put their trust in him. Scott's lectures and workshops have directly impacted thousands of people around the world. From world-class entertainers to influential political figures to elite companies to business executives to those who are simply “starting out,” he works with individuals from many different experiences and from all walks of life. As an attorney and as a certified life coach, hypnotherapist, practitioner in Neuro-linguistic Programing, and Ho'oponopono practitioner, Scott brings an outcome-oriented approach