Rwpod - Ruby Web

02 випуск 12 сезону. Sinatra 4.0, Bun Shell, Mutative 1.0, Nokogiri-diff, Cecil, React Email 2.0 та інше



Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску: Ruby Sinatra 4.0 How (and why) to run SQLite in production Machine Learning: An Introduction to CART Decision Trees in Ruby Numeric operations on value objects in Ruby Turbo Frame Search Filters Nokogiri-diff adds the ability to calculate the differences (added or removed nodes) between two XML/HTML documents Cecil - an experimental templating library designed specifically for generating source code Web The Bun Shell Announcing AdonisJS v6 Announcing Mutative 1.0 - A New Era in Efficient Immutable Updates React Email 2.0 12 Modern CSS One-Line Upgrades Lessons learned upgrading to React 18 in SonarQube How to start a React Project in 2024