Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-22



news birthdays/events WAYNE! would you care if your employer tracked your attendance? word of the day news would you go to an outdoor nfl/professional sporting event if it's cold?  game: quiz game: feud news game: 6 year old trivia would you pay someone to tackle a mess in your house? do you talk to your dog like it's a person? news should you get your money back if you pay for a concert and the headliner is late? we love free stuff...but would you still want it if you had to jump thru hoops to get it? goodbye/fun facts....Farmhouse Breakfast Week...the last week of January. The initiative promotes the importance of eating breakfast like a champion and reintroducing breakfast into our current hectic lifestyles. Did you know that an alarming 47% of people skip eating breakfast regularly due to their demanding routines? and this week isn't just about eating a healthy breakfast...but also the farmers who cultivate and grow crops such as oats, wheat, barley, and more. Breakfast becomes more enjoyable with more pe