Business With Super Joe Pardo

Ryan Gray, MD is helping premed students around the world!



Ryan Gray turned his education and passion into an online business to help premed students succeed! Ryan Gray is a former Flight Surgeon in the United States Air Force. Ryan graduated from the University of Florida (GO GATORS!) with a B.S. in Exercise and Sports Sciences, and received his M.D. from New York Medical College. After graduating from medical school, Ryan completed his internship through a Tufts Medical Center transitional medicine program at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital. Ryan is the publisher of and and the podcast host of The Premed Years and the OldPreMeds Podcast. He is also the Director of the National Society of Nontraditional Premedical and Medical Students. Matt and I take the first hour and a half to talk about a ton of topics that have been burning on my mind this past week! Interview with Dr Ryan Gray May 20th 2 year anniversary charity event  The Temps movie doing so well on its opening week. Ryan Sage interview back on episode 94.  Quality o