

Dr. Luke has been weaving together the stories of these two remarkable boys—John and Jesus—born six months apart, both of whom will be integral in this new chapter of redemption that God is writing in salvation history. God is clearly on the move, and these two boys will be central to His saving work as it breaks through!   The last we heard of John was in Luke 1:80, “And the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel.” But today we’re going to see him rising into the height of his ministry. John the Baptist will prepare the way of the Lord, crying out as a voice in the wilderness.   John’s call, in this passage, is to the “why”, “what”, and the “how” of repentance.   The “Why” of Repentance   Repentance is a call to rethink the way you’re living, to turn around, and head in a whole new direction. Repentance feels like death, but it is the only way to life.   The “What” of Repentance (3:3-6)   There are four major life-patt