Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-16



news birthdays/events football switcharoo...good marketing or bait/switch? word of the day news can you tell the weather based on your joints/aches and pains? game: what year was it? best male rock stars of all time (accoring to 10 music experts) news when you ask someone "how are you?"  do you really care? game: is ashley as smart as a 5th grade how many times a month are you on your "A" game news was there an age that 'freaked you out'? game: can you can that celebrity narrator goodbye/fun facts....Hot and Spicy Food Day... every country on the globe has its cooking style and recipes. And while some nations eat mild food, others enjoy very spicy food items. Spices have been consumed for over 6,000 years to add flavor to a dish and for their many health benefits. For instance, spices can combat inflammation.  Around 460 to 377 B.C. Hippocrates wrote of herbs and spices that included saffron, cinnamon, thyme, coriander, mint, and marjoram.  they have found that Capsaicin, an active component of chili peppers,