Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-17



news birthdays/events do you like funny reader signs? word of the day news game: "everybody knows" who sang these songs how to tell if you're a hoarder listener feedback break news game: I should have known that ashley disturbed a gen zer shooting a youtube video when you start a new you go all in? news game: mind the gap what makes someone classy?  what celebrities do you think is classy? goodbye/fun facts....Cable Car Day ...which celebrates Andrew Smith Hallidie getting the patent for the cable car in 1871. It is believed that Hallidie saw horses struggle to pull cars up the steep hills of San Francisco, and worried about people falling off and getting hurt...or even worse.  He decided to invent a system where strong cables would move the cars up and down the hill. Today, San Francisco is the last American city to still run any true cable cars! The Cable Car Museum in San Francisco is also a tourist attraction. In other American cities, you will find electric streetcars.