Father Simon Says

St. Anthony! - January 17, 2024



St. Anthony (2:35) 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51 Father explains his issues with translations Mk 3:1-6 What's wrong with curing on the Sabbath?  Letters: (22:51) - Did the BVM know that Jesus would rise from the dead?  (26:20) - Wise men & shepherds  (29:27) - Church's thoughts on miscarriage  Word of the Day: Scimitar (34:05) Callers:  (36:59) - The word 'Techton' means what stonemason; what do you think? (38:53) - My Jewish brother and sisters believe in abortion is that the baby in the womb is not a human being unless that baby is 7 weeks old out of womb.  Are you aware of that Father? (42:04) - 1 Peter 4:18, "If the righteous man is scarcely saved,where will the impious and sinner appear." (47:51) - My daughter does yoga; what should we do about that?