

Welcome to season 5 of the Broken Chair Scores soundtrack podcast. This is the season where we're probably going to go viral. Did you see that we're on Instagram now? Follow us there via this link or find it on our landing page. We're cool now! Tell your friends about it. In this episode we play tracks by Maxime Lacoste-Lebuis from the 2020 video game Spiritfarer by Thunder Lotus Games as well as some selections by various composers (mostly Vangelis though) from the 1980 PBS television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage (the Carl Sagan one). There are 40 years between these productions but they have one thing in common (and I'll borrow a phrase from Episode 39 here): They are totally mellowed out! Look no further if you need to calm down and want to find some chill tracks to relax! If you want to support us you can always write a comment here or on Instagram (where we totally are now since we're cool and all) which would be highly appreciated. If you're interested in a more relaxed podcast a