Journey Church Eva

Commitment, Pt.1



With God, Commitment hasn’t changed. Notes:  1.    The top 3 places we put our commitment in life: Marriage – Money – Time. 2.    Today’s Commitment = as long as I like it and it benefits me – I will not sacrifice or give up anything. 3.    Commitment = Promise – Pledge – Vow – Obligation – Guarantee – Duty/Serve – Loyalty – Honor – Respect and Faithful. o    Psalm 37:5 (NKJV) o    Psalm 15:1-4 (NLT) o    Psalm 15:4 (NKJV) 4.    The fear of the Lord is to hate evil – breaking your commitment is evil, because it’s being unfaithful. 5.    Any Commitment you will ever make will be tested through temptations. o    Genesis 22:17-18 (NLT) o    Genesis 22:1-18 (NLT) o    Genesis 22:12 (NLT) 6.    FEAR R