

Episode #21 with Bob Bentz of ATS Mobile This is an episode that I think we need to pay attention to. Mobile marketing is really something you will need to pay attention to if you are not already.  Google is focusing on mobile and if you look at your anylitics i'm sure you have noticed that your visitors are coming more from mobile than ever before. When I first thought of mobile marketing, I was thinking about text message marketing.  In this episode with Bob Bentz we go over what else to consider when it comes to mobile marketing and many other ways it can help grow your business. Barb who works as the Digital Mobile Marketing Strategist joins us a well to talk about they use social media for their clients to grow the mobile marketing.   Give the show a quick review please Listen to  the 10 tips from the top pizza entrepreneurs and marketing experts   What to Listen For: What is mobile marketing Why mobile is so important toady What are the different aspects ob a mobile marketing strategy  How to rank hig