

This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.“If it bleeds, it leads.” ~ William Randolph HearstCloudy with a Chance of SuccessThere’s a reason the phrase “If it bleeds, it leads” exists in the media, it captures people’s attention.Eyeballs and ears gravitate toward sights and sounds of fear and panic.Imagine: You’re about to cross a rickety bridge. Mr. Optimism skips along, whistling a happy tune, while Ms. Pessimism checks the planks, grumbling about “potential splinters and structural integrity.”Who comes out ahead? It depends. The pessimist may appear to be the party pooper. Yet, she might’ve just saved some lives.Humans are naturally, hard-wired with a built-in alarm system; constantly scanning for threats, risks, and what-ifs. Media companies know this and run stories accordingly.Isn't optimism the real ally though?Similar to “Expectations” (prior episode) the idea is that both pessimism and optimism can be superpowers when used wisely.The trick is finding the balance – the sweet spot – the p