Compliance Perspectives

Kristy Grant-Hart on internal Barriers to Success [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub Compliance professionals can face a lot of resistance in the course of their work: leaders who don’t have the time, budget limits, managerial indifference, and even outright hostility. But, sometimes the impediments are inside us. In this podcast, Kristy Grant-Hart, CEO of Spark Compliance Consulting and author of the new book Your Year as a Wildly Effective Compliance Officer, points out that sometimes we get in our own way. It’s just easier for us to see what the external blocks are than it is to see those we create for ourselves. Overcome them, she argues by trusting your own value. Ask for what you want, and don’t trust that others will see the need. And, when you do ask, be sure to make clear what value the compliance program provides. She also cautions against falling into Imposter Syndrome and feeling as if you don’t belong in the room. Sitting there quietly doesn’t help, in fact it hurts by giving others the impression that you and the compliance team are not adding value. Inste