The Speaker Lab With Grant Baldwin // Public Speaking / Motivational Speaking / Entrepreneurship

How To Find Your Path To Speaking Success with Bob Burg



One of the surest ways to excel as a speaker is to find someone who is a success, and then follow their early steps. It's true in speaking, it's true in business and it's true in other avenues of life.A man who has done just that is Bob Burg. Bob is the best-selling author of The Go-Giver and Endless Referrals. After picking up audio cassette tapes at a Zig Ziglar event and enrolling in their speaking program, Bob's speaking career took off.On today's show, Bob shares how the National Speakers Association also had an impact on his speaking career, and why you're better off following in the footsteps of successful giants than trying to go it on your own. It's all here on episode 78 of The Speaker Lab. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOW:  How did he get his first bookings?How can you prepare for the inevitable rejections?The follow up process to help you build on your successesWhy discipline and sweat equity are so vital to growing your speaking career.What knocks many people out of the speaking business