

Have you ever heard those crazy stories about musicians who would include ridiculous requests in their riders, like Van Halen and their brown M&M clause? Ever wonder exactly what a rider is, and if you need one?While you don't need to go the Van Halen brown M&M route, a speaking rider is still a good idea. On today's solo episode I explain what a rider is, why you should have one, and why sometimes those ridiculous requests have a good reason behind them!You'll hear about all of that and much more on the 85th edition of The Speaker Lab. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOW:  The important reason Van Halen didn't want brown M&Ms backstage.What I include in my rider, and what you should you include in yours.Can you request a specific seating style at your speaking gig?Should you include your rider as part of the contract, or separate?How to walk the fine line between making requests and being demanding.What is the point of having a rider?Do most clients read and remember riders?And so much more!