

We all have that little voice in our heads.You know, the one that creeps in when we start to doubt ourselves and the ability to share our message.So what can we do about that voice?Kindra Hall is a successful speaker and author, recently releasing her book, Choose Your Story, Change Your Life: Silence Your Inner Critic and Rewrite Your Life from the Inside Out. She joined us to talk about her mission to combat the comparison game and help speakers protect their mentality and confidence.The unknown challenges and necessary pivots of pandemic life have demanded that speakers adjust and keep their minds from wandering to the dark places of defeat. Kindra reminds us of where we’ve come from, how we’ve grown in recent years, and what it takes to find a balance of confidence and care when taking the stage ---- in person or virtually!Her energy and willingness to share her own fears allow for an honest conversation packed with insight and encouragement to keep going.THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOW:Getting back in sha