The Speaker Lab With Grant Baldwin // Public Speaking / Motivational Speaking / Entrepreneurship

How to Triple Your Income From Speaking with Jake Thompson



Since finishing a program with The Speaker Lab in 2017, Jake Thompson has had the "pedal to the metal” when it comes to building his brand and speaking career. His momentum and commitment to seizing growth opportunities have allowed him to triple his income and bring incredible value to his audience. Referrals, consulting opportunities, and a passion for the problem he solves brought him to some incredible stages that left him rubbing shoulders with individuals who have transformed the trajectory of his career.During Episode 412, Jake shares about a new role serving as a fractional executive and how it has challenged him to level up and take the right risks. Jake’s unique journey allows him to bring a ton of insight to our conversation, reminding you to invest in yourself, embrace the “grind” and do it all while still being focused. Jake’s story is incredibly unique and a reminder that opportunity is out there, but you have to have the right mindset to make it work for you!Here's what you’ll learn from this e