The Speaker Lab With Grant Baldwin // Public Speaking / Motivational Speaking / Entrepreneurship

How to Use Geographical Prospecting to Get More Paid Speaking Gigs with Erick Rheam



"Just because you land a gig, it doesn't stop there. How can you parlay that into more gigs?"Erick Rheam is back on the podcast today to educate us on the power of geographical prospecting. If you’ve listened to the podcast for any time, you’ve heard us talk about daily prospecting and the growth that goes into building momentum for your speaking business. Today, we will dig into what it looks like to take that effort and work smarter, not harder. "You got to look at this as opportunities to create more business. So we don't want to be so focused that when you go do a gig, Grant, that you're going there. You're there to do the gig, you're going to knock it out of the park, you're going to collect your paycheck, you're going to move on. You got to think bigger than that, and you got to start thinking about, well, maybe this is an area where I can expand my message and do it with folks that are in the proximity of where I'm going to be."In this episode, Grant and Erick cover: What is geographical pros