

In the business world, most of the time companies are competing in an established market, each trying to marginally outdo the others. But every so often, a market disruptor breaks in.   Instead of competing in the existing market space, disruptors redefine the space altogether. Disruptors break in and upend everything, changing the world as we know it forever.   2,000 years ago, the ultimate disruptor broke in and upended the world forever. The Son of God entered into space and time as a baby born in Bethlehem. In that moment, the Kingdom of Heaven broke into this weary world.   In this sermon, we’ll explore three themes: Jesus' coming is…   1) Upending Power   There’s a Power behind the power.   Real power is when the power-brokers unknowingly do your bidding, and they think it’s all their idea! That’s precisely what we see happening with Caesar’s decree. It might look like Caesar is large and in charge, but behind his power there’s a greater Power that is working all things together for His glo