Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

PYP Retrospective 2023: The Women



Every year, at the end of the year, I like to take the voices of the amazing leaders I had the privilege of speaking with over the past 12 months, and putting them together into one large file where we can listen to the amazing ideas and insights and inspiration they shared.  This year, I decided to do something different. I divided my guests into the women and the men. In this episode, you will hear the voices of the 13 incredible women from 2023 who shared their unique leadership journey with all of us here at PYP. Get ready to be inspired! = = = = = Resources from Today's Show What did you enjoy about this episode? Text me your feedback! Keep it kind, please :-) 503-567-8730 = = = = = The Women in Alphabetical Order: Alice Tang  Amina Moreau  April Mitchell  Barbara Turley  Catherine Tindall