
2024 European Conference Teaser



Andreas sits down with Berlin-based members Jakob and Tamas to discuss the upcoming sixth annual Platypus European Conference, set to take place January 25th through the 27th. Further info can be found at: https://100yearsafterlenin.com --- A century after Lenin’s death, the Platypus Affiliated Society aims to critically examine the legacy of the failure of world revolution. Our sixth annual European Conference provides the time to reflect on the nightmare of the twentieth century through teach-ins, panel discussions, and presentations by international Leftist organizations. We hope thus to contribute to overcoming the present obstacles to any future emancipatory Left. The Left is dead! Long live the Left! Ein Jahrhundert nach dem Tod Lenins sucht die Platypus Affiliated Society nach einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Erbe der gescheiterten Weltrevolution. Unsere sechste europäische Konferenz bietet Raum zur Reflexion über den Albtraum des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts – mit Teach-ins, Podiumsdiskus