Talk Toomey: The Metal Nexus Podcast

"Life Is Short, Make Yourself Happy" | Jason Hook & Wes Horton of Flat Black | Nu Pod



Jason Hook and Wes Horton of Flat Black sat down with Joshua Toomey at Louder Than Life. Join them as they dive deep into the journey of these musical vets who've ventured beyond the familiar territories of established bands to create something truly their own. Jason reflects on the transition from Five Finger Death Punch, sharing the challenges and excitement of starting anew. The fearless pursuit of passion and the commitment to handpick a team of "Lethal Mother Fuckers," including the incredible Wes Horton, fuels the fire of Flat Black. Discover the raw authenticity behind the scenes, as Jason and Wes discuss the importance of positive energy within the band and the contrast to the sometimes harsh reality of the metal scene. The chemistry between them is palpable, creating a vibrant atmosphere that transcends into their music. Listen to Nu Pod on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at Nu Pod on Instagram @nupod1999 Joshua Toomey on Facebook/Twitter @talktoomeytalk Ro Kohl