Signs Of Life With Bob Ginsberg And Phran Ginsberg

Signs of Life - Mediums and Messages, December 21, 2023



Medium and Messages with Joe Peretta and guest Certified Medium Renee Buck Thursday, December 21st 8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone) Host: #FFFCertifiedMedium Joe Perreta Guest:#FFFCertifiedMedium Renee Buck According to Renee's Website: Spirit works with us through the manipulation and channeling of energy. It’s much like tuning an antennae to a radio station, but at a much higher, finer level of vibration — a vibrational whisper, so to speak. The messages are transmitted with the help of our Spirit Guides, and received by Mediums in a code of sorts, thereby protecting the privacy of the “sitter,” for whom the message is directed. Learning to interpret the code, or symbology, and to deliver messages with love and respect for both parties (on Earth and on The Other Side) is the Art of Mediumship. Happiest of birthdays to #FFFCertifiedMedium Renee Buck Thank you for all that you do to connect people on this side with their loved ones on The Other Side, and to demonstrate that we do survive bodil