The Intuitive Woman

425: Meditation: Invite Your Loved Ones Close this Holiday Season (Replay)



The holidays can be a special and sweet time of year….but it can also be very hard if you are missing a loved one. Today's meditation will allow you to connect with your loved one and call them close during this holiday season. Knowing they are always a thought away…… Lets invoke..calling your spirit, spirit guides, Angels and loved ones to surround you in light, love and healing…we ask for your guidance, support and direction at this time…..for the highest and greatest good and so it is and so be it….amen Find yourself in a comfortable position..seated or lying down..ask what your body needs…. Drop into your heart…center of your chest…..and tune into the breath…..notice the rise and fall…rise and fall of the chest… with each breath in and each breath out……your body is making more and more space…..quieting down from your day and falling into a peaceful place…..feel your arms and legs relax…..face melt…..shoulders soften….. Relax your jaw and lips……your eyes are heavy and falling…..relaxed and deep….. We are