Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

April Mitchell on Turning Your Ideas into Games, Toys, and Products for Fun and Profit



Do you have an idea for a game, toy, or household product? Wondering what it takes to get your ideas into the marketplace? Ever fantasized about pitching a product to get a licensing deal? Today's guest is April Mitchell, an expert and leader in the invention and licensing space. In our conversation, April shares her experiences inventing games and products, and getting deals from companies to have them made and distributed. She also discusses what happens when your idea isn't right for a company, and the question about patents almost everyone asks. You are going to love her energy and enthusiasm as you learn about turning your ideas into real games, toys, and products. In April's own words: "I am a professional problem solver, creative thinker, idea machine, magic maker, dreamer, and What if-er , also known as an inventor and designer specializing in the toys, games, party, and housewares industries. A product licensing expert and designer for hire whom uses my background as an educator, military spouse, and