The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

392: Integrative Approaches to Releasing Physical and Emotional Scars and Restoring Mind-Body Resiliency Using the Power of Essential Oils with Dr. Kim Trager, DC, B.S.



What You Will Learn: How our body stores trauma which impacts our mental and physical health. How fascia is an overlooked body system that connects all cells and organs and is instrumental in healing the body and mind. How Dr. Trager became one of the biggest essential oils fans over 30 years ago and how this influenced how she practices medicine. What factors can impact our electrochemical energy, influencing our overall well-being on many different levels. Dr. Kim’s research on how quickly essential oils impact our cellular physiology and what oils were shown to modulate stress and immune challenges. The difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Why being in a calm, parasympathetic state is essential for healing. Why the vagus nerve is so important based on how it influences the parasympathetic state. How using a specific combination of essential oils behind the earlobes can stimulate the vagus nerve to calm the mind and optimize healing. Why topical application of ess