

Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Norwood Builder, Scene1 Holmes: You mentioned your name as if I should recognize it, but I assure you I know nothing whatever about you – beyond the obvious fact that you are a bachelor, a solicitor, and a Free Mason.Upon hearing the sound of loud footsteps racing up the stairs to their 221B Baker Street apartment in London, Sherlock Holmes and Watson begin practicing their deductive skills to determine who their visitor is. Starting with the facts they know -- the sound of the footsteps on the stairs, the speed at which he runs up the stairs, and the fact that he didn't even wait for Mrs. Hudson to answer the doorbell -- they deduce that their visitor is a young man who is very worked up about something. Deduction is a kind of reasoning that moves from general to specific. Holmes and Watson start with these general facts, and based on what they know in life from past experiences -- other times that they have heard footsteps and knew who made them, they arrive at a spe