Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL003: Norwood Builder ~ Holmes takes the case



Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Norwood Builder (Scene 3) Watson: Is he innocent, Holmes? Holmes: I know no more than you do John McFarlane Continues His Story Police Detective Lestrade's comments and opinion irritate Holmes, so Holmes gets quite sarcastic and cutting with Lestrade. For example, Lestrade says, "I came on here myself to do my duty." He strongly feels it is his responsibility to arrest John McFarlane. To this, Holmes responds, "Then you plainly must do your duty, my dear Lestrade. He's yours." The idea of a murder and arson case, and the possibility that young John McFarlane is being framed (set up to make it look like he committed the crime when he didn't) and won't find justice if it is left up to detectives like Lestrade, grabs Holmes' interest. That is significant as Sherlock Holmes only takes on cases that peak his interest. Holmes assures John that he will take on the case. Although John still gets arrested by Lestrade, he has the great detective on his side. Bumbling Police ve