
Celebrate as many victories as you can right now



When you lack motivation and you feel somewhat slow - what can you do? This week’s episode of Done! - No. 579 - is about something seemingly trivial but valuable that will do the trick. How do you keep (or raise) your mood when you feel so unmotivated that the job is slow? Please write to me at and tell me. Hearing about your experiences and tricks is worth its weight in gold to me! Here you will find how to make a simple check to make sure your goals are specific enough for prioritizing tasks. These episodes are also available as a weekly newsletter to your email. If you rather read than listen (or both!), sign up for a free subscription. David Stiernholm is a ”struktör”. As such he helps people and companies become more efficient and productive by creating better structure. His motto is: everything can be done easier! David is frequently hired as a speaker by all kinds of businesses ranging from well-established major corporations to entrepreneurial companies in hyper growth. He ext