Kainexus Continuous Improvement Podcast

[Webinar] Engaging Senior Leaders to Accelerate Your Continuous Improvement Program



Watch video, download the PDF worksheet, and more Presented by Stephanie Hill, Senior Lean Strategist at KaiNexus Having worked as……a CI practitioner reporting to a CFO,…a consultant and coach to executives and…a Lean Strategist configuring software to meet executives’ needs,Stephanie has learned that senior leaders are the influencers of any organization - able to make or break a CI program and culture.Attendees will: Gain clarity on the need for executive buy-in and engagement. Learn three considerations before engaging senior leaders in CI. During the session, attendees will have the opportunity to reflect on their gaps in building relationships with their senior leaders. Participants will walk away with a plan to increase executive engagement. Stephanie Hill is a Senior Lean Strategist with KaiNexus and owner of Light Bulb Moment Consulting. She has over 23 years of experience applying Lean to various industries, including legal, manufacturing, retail, insurance, healthcare, and government. She has ce