Riot Act

Ghost - Impera



Welcome to another episode of Riot Act Reviews, where we review a new massive album. This is a massively massive album as well, as we discuss Impera, the brand new album from Swedish occult-metal-superstars-in-waiting Ghost and the follow up to their critically acclaimed 2018 effort Prequelle.  Ghost have pretty much become one of the few great hopes for metal in the mainstream over the last decade and with this album and their upcoming arena shows in the UK (including a stop at London’s famous O2) it seems that they are very close to reaching the summit of their ambitions. We don’t want to give away too many spoilers for this album but blimey it's a MAD listen this! Taking all of Ghost’s most bombastic, OTT, wild flights of fancy and cranking them all up to 11venty stupid, Impera is the sort of album that used to turn rock bands into megastars back in the day. It’s been true for a while, but it is very, very clear at this point that Ghost have got their eyes on the prize. Does that mean that the songs he