Underground Usa

Why Is It We Don’t Learn From These Things?



Before I intro this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I want to point out the overt and deliberate attack on innocent Israelis in Jerusalem last Thursday by Hamas terrorists. This attack resulted in the murders of six people and the severe injury of five more.I warned of this in the run-up to the fake ceasefire. I warned that the cessation of hostilities was not as it appeared and, in fact, was a hudna: a perceived ceasefire that gives jihadis (and that’s what Hamas is, a group of jihadis) an opportunity to regroup, re-arm, re-strategize, and re-deploy.We witnessed the end of that short hudna with the murders in Jerusalem.The West – and especially those pro-Hamas/Palestinian protesters who exist in the intellectual void of college campuses and radical urban assemblies – have completely failed to understand the Hamas mindset.As Professor Denis McEoin, the Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Newcastle University, wrote at MEForum.org:“The jihad is waged against the entire world, but Israel has become its fo