Kainexus Continuous Improvement Podcast

Why You Should Use KaiNexus as Your A3 Software Instead of SharePoint, Excel, or Other Solutions



See the video: https://youtu.be/8XhR8n8sn8M Learn more about KaiNexus: https://kainexus.com/ Matt Banna: My name's Matt Banna, and I'm an enterprise account executive at KaiNexus. Oftentimes organizations come to us because they're having challenges managing their A3s. They don't have visibility into the work that's happening, who's doing what, and when are things on track or off track? And ultimately, how are these A3s impacting their organizational goals? They've tried to solve these challenges through tools that aren't fit for purpose, like Excel or PowerPoint, or uploading things into a SharePoint drive or even creating homegrown systems. Matt Banna: What they've found is that once things get saved into SharePoint, they go into some sort of black hole. And nobody ever sees the results of those A3s. Or if they go to some sort of project management solution. Those A3s aren't shaped like A3s. Matt Banna: And so all the work that they've done to teach the A3 probl