The Kibbe And Finnegan Show

K&F Show #280: 2 Hours of Christmas Ameri-car-na Back to Back Reviews! “A Christmas Story” and “A Christmas Story Christmas!”



We are kicking off the Christmas season with a 3-week long Holiday Trifecta! This week we'll do a back to back re-air of our 2019 and 2022 reviews of "A Christmas Story (1983)" and "A Christmas Story Christmas (2022)". Corndog Loves the original for the Christmas Americana. Kibbe loved the sequel too and had JUST gone to the A Christmas Story House when this was recorded. Next week would like YOU to choose what we review this year!  A few suggestions are in the show....but come up with some fun ones if you can. Remember, there has to be some automotive thread to it! Send your suggestions to For our final regular (non-Patreon) show of the year we will finally review the Clark Griswold Classic of Christmas Vacation. We know it's overdue...and we couldn't be more surprised we haven't done it if we work up with our head sewn to the carpet. ======================================== BIG NEWS! Our annual Toys for Tots Drive is under way! Each year we use funds from Patreon to make as big