#justcosaudio : Craig O'sullivan

When Leaders Get Desperate | On the CUBE Leadership Podcast 039 | Craig O'Sullivan & Dr Rod St Hill



Join Craig O'Sullivan and Dr Rod St Hill in a thought-provoking episode of the "On the CUBE Leadership Podcast Episode 039." In this episode, they delve deep into contemporary society's prevailing theme of desperation. Drawing parallels between the ill-fated Fyre Festival 2.0 and broader societal challenges, they offer valuable insights. The episode also looks at how late-night comedians, including Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, and Seth Meyers, navigate the realm of humour in a world increasingly marked by desperation. Conversations encompass the resilience of free speech, shedding light on Jordan Peterson's challenges and dissecting Tucker Carlson's geopolitical predictions. The podcast also presents timeless leadership lessons gleaned from the biblical narrative of Jesus' arrest by desperate leaders, providing a comprehensive exploration of leadership, societal dynamics, and the quest for truth in our complex world. To learn more about our mission and access your FREE fait