Cotr Palmer Podcast

[Wasilla] Asking for a Friend |6| ”Greed & Generosity” :: Jonathan Walker



This Sunday concludes our teaching series on the Book of Proverbs with the topic of generosity and greed. Here's a few questions you may ask for a friend: Can it be greedy to give? What is the difference between greed and being frugal? Can I be too generous? Can my generosity rob others? These may be hard questions but fortunately we can find the answers in the wisdom of Proverbs. The heartbeat of Church on the Rock is to help people discover how they can LOVE God and LOVE one another, LIVE with passion, purpose and freedom, and LEAD others to this same experience in Jesus. We simply say, “helping others Love, Live, and Lead in Jesus". Let's Connect here: Learn more about us at If you enjoyed our teaching and would like to donate to our ministries go here: