Power Line

The Three Whisky Happy Hour, with Special Guest Amy Wax



With John Yoo still away somewhere in the jungles of South America, Steve and Lucretia are delighted to be joined by a very special guest, Prof. Amy Wax of Penn Law School. Followers of the campus scene may be familiar with Penn Law's crusade to fire Prof. Wax for the sin of offending against campus orthodoxies on race and immigration, at the same time Penn so conspicuously tolerates anti-Semitism.Prof. Wax isn't at liberty to discuss the details of her ongoing ordeal, but we do get into the thick of several pertinent questions, such as:—Does the current crisis of tolerance for anti-Semitism on campus represent a possible inflection point to turn back “wokery” at last, or will this episode prove that higher education has passed the point of no return?—Is there any evidence that the high-profile donor revolt at Penn and elsewhere is having an effect?—On a wider note, many conservative law professors are leaving their posts because of the increasing ideological hostility. This seems another bad omen for academi