Chats With Susan Burrell

The Power of Emotions



Ep#251 - The Power of Emotions - A Solo Show with host, Susan Burrell We are now in November. Can you believe it? And our theme for this year of 2023 is BE Expansive. The final letter of “expansive” is the letter “E” representing our focused theme for this month which is “Emotions.” As many of you know I like to look up the formal definition of words and this is no different. So here goes, the dictionary defines “Emotion” as: A strong agitation of the feeling actuated by experiencing love, fear, hate etc. and often accompanied by physiological changes like heart rate or breathing. And so, I ask you, how do you deal with emotions? How do you live your life without being emotionally reactive? I think many of us are emotionally reactive and often do react without thinking about the why. Or even taking the time to process the emotion that caused the reaction in the first place. I believe inner investigation must come first, before we react. This is not easy to do and something I am now consciously working on. I n