Ibn 'arabi Society

Ibn Arabi's Pluralistic Vision in a World of Exclusivism



The philosophical concepts at the heart of this presentation include Wujud, the Plural, and Ambiguity. I begin by examining Ibn Arabi's notion of belief as 'tying knots in the heart,' parallel to his understanding of the nature of Wujud and Barzakh. The aim is a fresh thinking about pluralism, grounded in Sufi metaphysics — a metaphysics focused on what Shahab Ahmed elsewhere describes as 'the multivalent experiential condition of hayra [paradoxical perplexity].' Without hastily asserting Ibn Arabi's pluralistic views of other traditions or religions, I dwell on what we today can learn from Ibn Arabi’s nuanced understanding of Being. This insight could offer us new perspectives for addressing the global rise of exclusivism and rigid, unambiguous identifications. The approach involves the philosophical application of Ibn Arabi's teachings on the essential delimitation of all doctrinal positions to current issues. Situated in the cultural and social realities of the subcontinent, I also highlight the historical