Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP431 What Every American Should Know with John Paine



Our guest today is John Paine. John is the author of The Second Amendment Manifesto: What Every American Should Know about Their Constitutional Right to Own Guns. John is a lifelong lover of history, firearms, and freedom. John is not an academic or politician, but an American who believes that our country and culture is worth fighting for, and that this starts by understanding our rights as protected under the Constitution. 1) The Second Amendment Manifesto is filled with world history dating from ancient Greece and runs a thread all the way to modern-day America. What was the driving force that caused you to author this book? 2) Too often Americans think we invented the idea of Gun Rights, yet England experienced a war over these very rights. However, as we speak, the citizens of English have given up nearly all of their rights. Tell us about that journey. 3) What is the overarching reason that our Founders added the Second Amendment to our Bill of Rights? Why would any government put something like th